2159 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2009-03-07
(Dimensie: 630 x 950 pixels - Teller: 19295)
Vriesea simplex

(Geladen als: Vriesea simplex?)
Verzamel locatie: Utrecht Botanical Garden, The Netherlands
Fotograaf: Joachim Saul
Opmerking: Is this Vriesea simplex or could it be Vr. agostiniana? (Verzonden: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl)
Determinatie: Opgelost
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- Opmerking: Eric Gouda (2009-03-09) - Joachim, I'm waiting for the flowers and I will let you know about my findings. This one is from Brazil, but without any other data! (Verzonden: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl)
- Opmerking: Derek Butcher (2009-03-09) - Joachim
V. agostiniana could well be a synonym of V. simplex. While V. simplex may come from Venezuela the type is based on the works of Velloso who is famed for his cartoon like botanical drawings in Flora Fluminensis which I translate as Rio de Janeiro. V. simplex is well spread and is common in collections but is oft confused with V. scalaris because the differences are so subtle. Whenever, I think of Halle I think of Weber and his links with Brazil and he could well have had contacts with Pereira. Regrettably there is no drawing with the description by Pereira and we could only rely on some Brazilian to view the herbarium specimen. I don't have Bradea 1: 33. 1971 to know if he did a differential or to what?! Perhaps some taxonomist will solve your problem by making V. agostiniana a synonym of V. simplex
Uncle Derek - Determinatie: Harry E. Luther (2009-03-12) =Vriesea simplex
(Verzonden: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl) - Determinatie: Eric Gouda (2009-03-16) =Vriesea simplex
- This plant is the real V.simplex, with round (not compressed) flowers that have a 17 mm long pedicel and just exceeding the (slightly carinate) floral bracts with the sepals and petals.
Flowers of V.agostiniana has sessile, laterally compressed flowers, with the floral bracts sharply carinate and exceeding the sepals.
I think both species are quite distinct from each other. (Verzonden: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl)