1856 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2007-09-04
(Dimensie: 830 x 580 pixels - Teller: 18665)
Puya aff. tuberose

(Geladen als: Puya)
Fotograaf: Derek Butcher
Opmerking: Referred to Uncle Derek by Michael Prime mprime@beeb.net but I haven't a clue.Originally bought in the UK as Puya raimondii! Plant now in Ireland. Dwarf plant. Any suggestions gratefully received. Uncle Derek
Determinatie: Opgelost
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- Opmerking (1857): Barret Bassick (2007-09-04) - The picture closely resembles a dwarf puya I have been growing for several years. The tag that came with the plant said it was collected near Colima Peru, a place I have not found on the maps in the atlas. The plant came from the collection of Dennis Heckart, given to the SF Bromeliad Society when he moved to Hawaii. That's all I know.
- Opmerking (1857): Walter Till (2007-09-04) - See the most recent two issues of Journal of the Bromeliad society. Your
Puya belongs to the P. tuberose group with P. hromadnikii, P. serranoensis and P. vallegrandensis as synonyms - Opmerking (1857): Eric Gouda (2007-09-04) - Missed some of the discussions and try to catch up, adding interesting discussions to the Identification pages.
Walter, we have grown Puya minima L.B.Sm. from Mt. Tarija, Bolivia and it developed different from the (Alpine) habit it had at high elevation. Turned out exactly the same as P.hromadnikii, so I would be interested to know the relation between P.tuberosa and P. minima.