9918 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2012-07-16
(Dimensie: 2030 x 1378 pixels - Teller: 18591)
Quesnelia augusto-coburgii

Verzamel locatie: California - Grown outdoors in Fremont, CA
Fotograaf: Wesley Schilling
Opmerking: The original owner of this plant stated it came from Tropiflora labeled as this species. This is my first flowering and noticed it did not have the Orange color of the ovaries as shown in most pictures other than mine. Peter Tristram asked me to send this to Brom-L to determine if this truly is Q. augusto-coburgii
(Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
Determinatie: in behandeling
(Klik op de foto om te vergroten)
- Opmerking (9919): Wesley Schilling (2012-07-16) - The original owner of this plant stated it came from Tropiflora labeled as this species. This is my first flowering and noticed it did not have the Orange color of the ovaries as shown in most pictures other than mine. Peter Tristram asked me to send this to Brom-L to determine if this truly is Q. augusto-coburgii
- Determinatie (9919): Walter Till (2012-07-16) =cf. Ronnbergia brasiliensis
- This is certainly not Q. augusto-cooburgii. Reminds me much more in Ronnbergia brasiliensis or related Aechemea s. l. (e.g., A. fraseri) - Opmerking (9919): Wesley Schilling (2012-07-16) - My foliage is all green with light whitish banding on underside of foliage and foliage is tubular. Flowers are metalliac blue and not a lilac (?) color. Foliage is tubular in form and upright.
- Opmerking (9919): Peter Tristram (2012-07-18) - Wes, I have a plant of Q a-c from Vienna (Walter) coming into bloom so will post when flowers open. The thin inflorescence is currently elongating down. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)