5647 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2010-05-23
(Dimensie: 1705 x 1799 pixels - Teller: 14565)
Dyckia sp
Fotograaf: Leonard Dolatowski
Opmerking: This is the plant
Determinatie: gevraagd
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- Opmerking (5646): Joachim Saul (2011-07-21) - No ID but the plant is grown here in Germany by several growers as well. It is the Dyckia with the stiffest leaves I have ever seen. See lots of pictures here on Gerhard Fischer's page to confirm that we are talking about the same thing: http://gerfi.dyndns.org/~Bromelien/HD1011/dyckia_hd1011.html
Gerhard's plant was received without species name as "HD 1011" from another German collector but it is unknown where the plants are from originally. Note that "HD" doesn't refer to Heidelberg here. It may instead be the collector's initials. Any idea anybody? - Opmerking (5646): Joachim Saul (2012-01-29) - http://dyckiabrazil.com/482/dyckia-affinis-pulquinensis/
Is this the same thing? (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl) - Opmerking (5646): Uncle Derek (2012-01-30) - Is it terminal or lateral flowerer? (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Opmerking (5646): Alan Bryan (2012-01-30) - I have this plant too, mine came from a UK nursery, labelled as a Hechtia, but flowers proved it to be a Dyckia. See this thread http://dyckiabrazil.com/1020/silvery-plant/
It is strikingly silver white if grown in full sun without too much water or fertilizer. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl) - Opmerking (5646): Alan Bryan (2012-01-30) - Flowers are produced on a lateral spike. It is viciuosly stiff leaved and has a particularly long stiff leaf tip without lateral teeth near the leaf tip, which seems characteristic even when grown under less hard conditions, judging by other photos I have seen. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)