10390 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2012-08-29
(Dimensie: 2030 x 1383 pixels - Teller: 20138)
Dyckia reitzii
(Geladen als: Dyckia reitzii)
Verzamel locatie: My Garden
Fotograaf: Holger Sachs
Determinatie: in behandeling
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- Determinatie: Holger Sachs (2012-08-29) =Dyckia reitzii
- This plant is in my opinion Dyckia reitzii, but in the first description of LB Smith ( Flora Neotropica , Pitcairnioideae ) said the plant is, and I quote on page 533, 16mm long petals, yellow .............. . Maybe someone has an idea. In the Internet is Dyckia reitzii seen with orange flowers.
- Determinatie: Jeffrey Kent (2012-09-23) =D. reitzii
- Identical to plant I received from Elton Leme.
- Determinatie: Eric Gouda (2012-09-24) =Dyckia reitzii
- Although quit dark orange for this species, I agree
- Opmerking: Holger Sachs (2012-09-24) - Thanks for the confirmation and determination!! Hopefully soon takes a botanist before the genus Dyckia and write a book with all the newly described species and corrections. I'm waiting for this .....................
- Opmerking (10391): Constantino Gastaldi (2013-03-27) - A hundred per cent sure: Dyckia reitzii. No other Dyckia bloon is equal to this. Maybe this a rubra one, maybe.