11943 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2014-12-23
(Dimensie: 1530 x 2050 pixels - Teller: 10596)
Vriesea harmsiana
(Geladen als: Vriesea sp.)
Verzamel locatie: Peru - I obtained this from Pam Koide (Hyatt) labeled as Vriesea cylindrica (Peru) with an ID of V039-S. I have not yet checked with Pam on a name correction, but I do not believe this is Vriesea cylindrica. I abused the plant this fall after the inflorescence failed to produce color or flowers after having been up since October. As you can see, the only color in the inflorescence is the flower itself.
The plant measures 107cm wide x 127cm tall. Leaves are 9.5cm wide at the base and taper rapidly to a point. Leaves are 79cm long. The individual scapes are 13 to 15cm long and 2.5cm wide. Anyone know what this is?
Fotograaf: Jerry Raack
Determinatie: Opgelost
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- Determinatie (11941): Eric Gouda (2014-12-23) =Vriesea harmsiana
- Jerry, looks close to Vriesea harmsiana, check this out
- Opmerking (11941): Jerry Raack (2014-12-23) - Yes, I agree, that it is probably Vriesea harmsiana. Thanks. By the way, I saw a clone? of Vriesea harmsiana posted on the bromeliad.org.au website by Peter Tristram whose flowers look very different from mine. Is it indeed also Vriesea harmsiana? I also saw where sometime previously on the Brom-L website there was posted a Vriesea harmsiana photo that looked much closer to mine (Taxon ID 3788), but the pictures were not very clear. I don't remember the pistil ever being exserted on my plant. I'll have to look at additional flowers when they open. Anthers are very different on my plant and that which Peter posted on the au website. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Opmerking (11941): Uncle Derek (2014-12-24) - I too would link this to Tillandsia harmsiana. We in Oz folllow Grant with his view that this group pf plants are more tillandsia-like than Vriesea-like Because we like to grow this group we call it TV and have great fun trying to link new finds with old descriptions. I assume you have Smith's protologue (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Opmerking (11941): Jerry Raack (2014-12-24) - Actually, I like this group of TV plants as well, and have grown a number over the years. I do NOT have Smith's protologue. Is it online somewhere?