11171 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2013-10-25
(Dimensie: 1360 x 2050 pixels - Teller: 16682)
Vriesea cylindrica

Verzamel locatie: Ecuador - Catamayo in Loja Province - Collected at 7800 ft elevation near Catamayo, Ecuador on 7 April 1997.
Fotograaf: Jerry Raack
Opmerking: Grows to 30 inches (76 cm) wide by 24 inches (61 inches) high when in bloom. Plant pictures bloomed in cultivation June 2013.
Determinatie: in behandeling
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- Determinatie: Eric Gouda (2013-10-28) =Tillandsia olmosana var. pachamamae
- This is a very confusing group of species within the T/V complex and I think this one is closer to Tillandsia olmosana var. pachamamae than to cylindrica (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl) - Opmerking: Jerry Raack (2013-10-30) - I took some measurements of the now dried inflorescence on this plant. It has 11 side spikes and 1 top spike (same as side spikes). Each spike is 5 to 6cm long by 1.5 to 1.8 cm wide. Each spike had 7 to 8 flowers. All spikes are carnate and held close to the stem. Scape bracts are equal in length to the side spikes, tapering quickly to a point. Entire inflorescence is 50cm long, and from the bottom of the first side spike to top of last spike is 20cm long. Leaves are 48cm long and 5cm wide at the base. Underside of leaves highly lepidote, silvery-gray, with a dull green top side which is only minor lepidote.