2004 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2008-11-03
(Dimensie: 2030 x 1380 pixels - Teller: 21190)
Neoregelia cf. concentrica
Fotograaf: Eric J. Gouda
Opmerking: Rio de Janeiro.
Determinatie: in behandeling
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- Opmerking (2006): Eric J. Gouda (2008-11-03) - This plant resembles N.concentrica but has only small black spines on the leaf-blades and it lacks the typical purple spots (bands), 40-55 x 4-6 cm. It has strongly asymmetric obovate sepals (see flower details) that are cuspidate.
- Opmerking (2006): Harry E. Luther (2008-11-03) - Nearly 40 years ago I received seed from Mrs Adda Abendroth in Brazil of a Neoregelia concentrica from her garden(Teresopolis?). Some seedlings looked like your plant and I assumed that they could be a garden hybrid with N. carolinae which was also present. HEL
- Opmerking (2006): Andrew Steens (2008-11-03) - Some years ago I also received seed from Brazil, Santa Catarina from memory. Many came up exactly the same as this one, but also a number with other colouring, ranging from pink, through lilac and to purple. All had the fairly distinctive leaves as seen in this example. As I've used some in subsequent crosses, I've always been curious as to their origin.
- Opmerking (2006): Eric J. Gouda (2008-11-04) - I could test the pollen, next time I see it flowering, but I doubt it is a hybrid and if so, I don't expect N.carolinae to be envolved because this would not enplane the strange looking (long accuminate) sepals which resembles the sepals of N. melandonta a bit.
This one has been collected from the wild (Maas s.n.). - Opmerking (2006): Elton Leme (2008-11-05) - Very nice the photographed Neoregelia. In my opinion, it is neither Neo. concentrica nor closely related to it. Do you know where it came from exactly? It looks to be related to Neoregelia magdalenae, but the purple central leaves remind me a natural species from the plains of the central-north region of Rio de Janeiro.
- Opmerking (2006): Derek Butcher (2008-11-05) - Wow! What a memory Harry has and he doesn't even write it down.
If you go to fcbs.org or BSI org Neoregelia Cultivar section and enter Concentrica from the scroll down section on Cultivar Group you will see some interesting cultivars. Some have man influence but some came into being as seed from Brazil. BUT I am hanging my hat on a link (not the same as!) to Harry's memory of a plant we grow in Oz as 'Ferris'. See attached